We are very excited to welcome our newest member Pancretan Health Association!
“Pancretan Health Association” aims to advance the well-being of patients with chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases (CAIDs) by investing in clinical, basic and translational research. Amongst other initiatives they:
- Organize patients’ registries of “real world evidence- RWE”, linked to biobanks of patients biospecimens, to better characterize the effects of novel therapies and advance the molecular knowledge of CAIDs.
- Actively support basic, clinical and translational research to generate novel knowledge in the field of CAIDs. For that, they organize/participate in research consortia (national/international) aiming in novel therapeutic/diagnostic tools and advance personalized medicine.
- Organize scientific and educational initiatives to advance the education of professionals caring of patients with CAIDs.
- Support the recruitment and infrastructure of clinical or research facilities contributing to the care/research of CAIDs.
They generate income by: 1. Organizing national/international scientific meetings. 2. Pursuing cutting-edge research supported by pharma-industry. 3. Collaborating within research consortia supported by national/international research programs. 4. Providing data analysis of RWE.
In the field of “digital health”, together with the “Center for eHealth Applications and Services” at FORTH-ICS they have set-up (2004) the “University of Crete Rheumatology Clinic Registry” (UCRCR). It is a productive tool of RWE focused in autoimmune diseases of high financial and societal burden: rheumatoid arthritis, spondylarthrotpathies (including psoriatic arthritis) and systemic lupus erythematosus. Till April 2024, 2.813 patients were registered with a total follow-up of 16.732 patients/years. They have established collaborations with 3 international registries.
The field of RWE is continuously increasing! It is estimated that the global RWE market will expand from 17.91 (2024) to 48.02 (2032) B dollars (CAGR of 13.1%). Their solution of UCRCR may generate income by both providing with RWE for analysis by pharma-industry or by providing the platform for data register and analysis of various users (research organizations, pharma industry, insurance organizations).